723 East Colonial Drive, Suite 100, Orlando, Florida 32803

Defending Orlando Businesses Against the Costs of Workers’ Compensation Claims

Helping companies reduce costs by disputing claims and negotiating deals

Workers’ compensation is supposed to be a fair system for assisting injured employees while protecting businesses from windfall judgments. Florida businesses should be able to operate normally and safely and expect to be treated fairly by the courts. Companies that self-insure are open to risks. Unfortunately, employees often make false claims or exaggerate their claims. They may not take necessary steps to cut costs or they may even go out of their way to try to work the system. At Gierach and Gierach, P.A., we defend Orlando companies against excessive and false workers’ comp claims.

Tools to defend your company and avoid litigation

Attorney John Gierach has more than four decades of experience helping businesses in the Orlando area defend themselves against fraudulent and bogus work injury claims. Our firm works closely with doctors to determine the existence or extent of an employee’s injury, as well as its possible causes. When necessary, we will use expert testimony to prove that a client’s claim is false or exaggerated. Depending on the facts of the case, we may be able to reduce or eliminate your liability by proving that the worker:

  • Was not actually injured
  • Suffered less extensive injuries than claimed
  • Could not have sustained the injury at the work site
  • Had a pre-existing injury
  • Exaggerated costs or medical expenses
  • Is capable of returning to work
  • Is able to perform other types of work
  • Was intoxicated at the time of the accident
  • Intended to harm himself or herself

When possible, we help your business avoid the expense of litigation by seeking a settlement with the employee or former employee.

Understanding your possible costs in a Florida workers’ compensation claim

It is important to understand what is at stake when a false or inflated workers’ compensation claim is filed. Florida law provides for comprehensive benefits when a worker is injured on the job. Costs to businesses can include:

  • Medical costs. Visits to doctors, hospital costs, testing, medication and rehabilitation therapy are all covered by workers’ compensation.
  • Lost wages. Employees who file may be entitled to payments to replace their wages. Payments differ depending on the extent and duration of the injury. They can be classified as temporary total (TT) disability, temporary partial (TP) disability, impairment benefits (IB) or permanent total (PT) disability benefits.
  • Death benefits. Families who lose a loved one in a work injury are usually entitled to funeral expenses. By making various other claims, benefits can reach a total of $150,000.
  • Retraining expenses. Your company may have to absorb the cost of re-training an Orlando employee to work in a new position or in an entirely new industry.

Our legal team works to come to an agreement with your employee that is fair to both sides. Where a real injury exists, we will seek to cut your costs without violating the employee’s rights. When the employee’s claim is false or overstated, we take every step to minimize your company’s exposure.

Allow us to help your business avoid false claims and unnecessary costs

At Gierach and Gierach, P.A., we have the experience and skill to defend any workers’ compensation claim. Whether you are a self-insured company seeking to avoid paying a claim or a business that has been sued, our legal team will dedicate itself to defending your organization. To schedule a free consultation at our Orlando office, contact us online or call us at 407-917-9975.